Ask A Person Who’s Been Homeless

FULL: AUGUST 18, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. More people are living on the streets. What do the experiences of people who’ve gotten out of homelessness tell us about the challenges? Find out by speaking with 8 people who have come out the other side.


Ask a Journalist

FULL: JULY 22, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. How do journalists do their job? How do they ensure balance and accuracy? Talk to some of Seattle’s top journalists and find out.


Ask A Special Olympics Athlete

JUNE 9. This July 3,000 Special Olympics athletes will be competing in Seattle. Would you like to meet one? Are you a Special Olympics athlete eager to talk about what you do? Sign up for this event taking place June 9.


Ask a Foster Parent. Here’s what it takes.

MAY 12, 1-4 p.m. Along with Amara, a Seattle-based foster care agency, KUOW is holding ‘Ask A Foster Parent.’  It’s a chance to learn more about the experience and get a first hand perspective on the foster care crisis in Washington state. Sign up to be an “asker” or “answerer.”


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